Singapore Company Compliance Guides

Information You Need to Succeed

Annual Return (AR) Filing for Singapore Companies

Singapore companies are required to lodge an Annual Return (AR) with ACRA. The deadline for filing the AR is 30 days from the date of the Annual General Meeting (AGM). In exceptional cases, a company can file its Annual Return without first conducting an AGM.

The return contains the following information:

  • Company Name and Details: Confirm that the company type, registered office address, the particulars of the company officers (directors, secretary), and details of registered charges are up to date. If the information has changed or is incorrect, you must update the details.
  • Principal activities: Confirm whether there are any changes to your company’s primary and secondary business activities. 
  • Shareholder details, share capital, etc: Verify your company’s shares details, such as the number of shares held, issued share capital, and amount of paid up share capital.
  • Annual General Meeting: Indicate the date of your company’s annual general meeting (AGM), if it was held. This is not applicable if your company is exempted from holding AGMs or have dispensed with AGMs under Section 175A of the Companies Act.

A company must attach its audited financial statements when it submits an Annual Return, which has to be signed either by a director of the company or a company secretary, with ACRA. The company’s stakeholders will be able to make better informed decisions based on the critical information submitted in the AR.

Click to check whether your company is required to file financial statements with the annual return. Companies that are not required to file financial statements must instead submit an online declaration, when filing their annual return.

If you are required to file a full set of financial statements in XBRL format, these must be prepared and validated before you can file the annual return. 

More information can be obtained from ACRA or a professional corporate services provider.

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